Saturday, 6 July 2013

How addicted are you to Facebook?

Do you find yourself checking the Facebook home page multiple times during the day? Do you spend several hours on social media sites everyday? Do you tend to get cranky when you are unable to access social media? Are you an addicted social networker, or just an active social media user? Total Dui has conducted a social media study to help users analyze their social networking habits and identify signs of addition.
Total Dui polled a thousand teens to study their social networking activities and its impact on their lives.50 % of respondents in the study stated that social media has helped their friendships, and 30% said that it has made them more outgoing.
However, four out of five of the teens said that they have experienced the negative side effects of social media after disconnecting from technology. Most of the students said they can’t go without checking social media for more than 24 hours. Some of the respondents also stated that they find it harder to refrain from tweeting than indulging in other addictive activities like smoking, drinking etc.
To find out if you are a Facebook addict or not, check out this infographic by Total Dui and answer the questions provided under the Bergen Facebook addiction scale.
Surrendering to Social Media: Is It Addiction?

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